Loropetalum plum 3 gallon (includes delivery)


Loropetalum Plum or otherwise known as Plum Delight, is a great, midsized shrub. Distinctive plum colored foliage and pink fringy flowers make this shrub stand out. But what makes the Loropetalum a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers is not only its unique visual elements, but also that it is a tough plant with very little pests and it is easy to grow and maintain.


Loropetalum Plum or otherwise known as Plum Delight, is a great, midsized shrub. Distinctive plum colored foliage and pink fringy flowers make this shrub stand out. But what makes the Loropetalum a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers is not only its unique visual elements, but also that it is a tough plant with very little pests and it is easy to grow and maintain.