
Hunter PPV-151 In-Line/Angle Valve with Flow Control 1-1/2” FPT

Original price was: $99.00.Current price is: $80.60.


This hard working, heavy-duty valve offers the best features of Hunter’s top-of-the-line valves. Built with enough durability to handle the rigors of most residential and light commercial sites, the PGV is available in an array of configurations. For smaller landscape applications, the PGV is available in four 1″ body configurations: angle, globe, male x male, or male x barb design. In turn, each model is available in either a flow control or non-flow control version. For larger landscape applications, the PGV comes in both 1-1/2″ and 2″ globe/angle models (with flow control). All models feature durable high-grade construction and a rugged diaphragm with support to prevent stress failure.