Heritage G Fungicide – 10 lb


About this item

  • Controls a broad spectrum of more than 20 turfgrass diseases, including brown patch, Pythium and snow mold
  • Absorbed through the leaf blade or stem and is taken up by the root system
  • Allows for extended application intervals up to 28 days, depending on disease pressure, allowing for fewer applications
  • Controls certain turfgrass diseases associated with turfgrass establishment from seed, and may also be used during over-seeding of dormant turfgrass
  • Contains multiple formulation options that allow for application flexibility and mixing/handling preferences

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Heritage G is a systemic strobilurin fungicide in a granular formulation and specifically formulated for controlling disease up to a 28 day window on turf grasses. It features the carrier DG-Lite, which allows it to disperse under minimal water requirements, even a heavy dew.

About this item

  • Controls a broad spectrum of more than 20 turfgrass diseases, including brown patch, Pythium and snow mold
  • Absorbed through the leaf blade or stem and is taken up by the root system
  • Allows for extended application intervals up to 28 days, depending on disease pressure, allowing for fewer applications
  • Controls certain turfgrass diseases associated with turfgrass establishment from seed, and may also be used during over-seeding of dormant turfgrass
  • Contains multiple formulation options that allow for application flexibility and mixing/handling preferences


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