Do you know what grows the best in your yard? Each yard, and its soil, is different. Some things grow better in certain yards than others. And unless you’re secretly a garden genius, you probably don’t know the unique pH and chemistry of your yard.

If you want to dig up the secrets of your soil, then grab one of our soil test kits and let the sciency folks at a leading national agricultural lab test it. With one of our soil test kits we can interpret the lab results to see exactly what will work best specifically for your yard.
Here’s how to collect soil for our soil test kit:
- Make sure your soil isn’t overly damp from any recent rain
- Pick four areas in your lawn
- Dig about 2″ – 4″ into the soil at each area
- Gather enough soil to fill to the indicated line on the bag
- Mail in the sample using the postage-paid envelope

Once the lab results are in, we’ll tell you exactly what your soil needs to grow a healthy lawn and garden. Don’t assume you know the health of your soil. Every yard is different and this test soil kit will tell you what’s special about your yard. As your local lawn experts, we’ll go through the results with you to help you understand what will grow the best for your lawn and garden.
Scientific results can be hard to understand if you’re not familiar with the terminology. That’s where we come in. When you collect a soil sample, you’ll get back the test results. But, we also provide a simple report and local expert recommendations for solutions that will make your yard and garden become what you’ve dreamed it to be.
You will receive the lab’s original soil report, and also, receive a simple overview of product recommendations from our team. We love providing one on one service that the big box stores can’t give you. As a local, veteran owned business we’re proud to work with you to help you understand your yard’s unique needs. Together we can grow something great.

Get started and order your soil test kit. Soon you’ll be on your way to a yard that’s easy to care for because you’ll know what it needs.